
WEBINAR. Perfect article for exclusive law journal by dr. Eleonora Rosati and dr. Edvinas Meškys

Lithuanian Young Bar Association invites you to an exclusive online discussion on the topic “How to write and publish perfect article for exclusive law journal, like Journal on Intellectual Property Law & Practice by Oxford University Press.”

LJAA has a great honour to introduce a speaker dr. Eleonora Rosati. Dr. Eleonora Rosati is a tenured Associate Professor in IP Law at Stockholm University, a Guest Professor at CEIPI – Université de Strasbourg, a Research Associate at EDHEC Business School, and an Of Counsel at Bird & Bird. A long-standing contributor to The IPKat and an Editor of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (Oxford University Press), Eleonora is the author of several articles and books on IP issues, including – most recently – Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union (Oxford University Press:2019).

Do not miss a chance to get the insights from the Editor of JILPL as well as dr. Edvinas Meskys, whose co-authored article “Regulating deep fakes: ethical and legal considerations” is one of the 5 most read articles on JIPLP. See here: https://academic.oup.com/jiplp/article-abstract/15/1/24/5709090?redirectedFrom=fulltext

– for LJAA members – live through ZOOM platform (see the link in group chats);
– LJAA friends – watch live on our Facebook page.

– 2020-07-21 at 4 PM.

Best regards,
Dr. Edvinas Meškys
President of Lithuanian Young Bar Association

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